Among the datasets below are small individual contributions (often unpublished data) as well as several large datasets covering several thousands of entries (like LEDA, GLOPNET, BiolFlor).
DatasetID | Dataset | Main Custodian | Institution | Availability | Embargo Start Date | Details |
562 | 1000Seedweight | Mark van Kleunen | Universität Konstanz | public | | |
702 | 16 morphological traits of Agave maximiliana | Dánae Cabrera-Toledo | Universidad de Guadalajara | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
714 | 2018 Talladega National Forest: Foliar Traits | Aaron Kamoske | Michigan State University | public | | |
483 | A Geological Age of an Angiosperm Genera and Families | Serge Sheremetev | Komarov Botanical Institute | public | | |
334 | A Global Data Set of Leaf Photosynthetic Rates, Leaf N and P, and Specific Leaf Area | Anthony Walker | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | public | | |
430 | A Global Dataset of Leaf Delta13C Data (link) | Will Cornwell | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
715 | A global growth form database for 143,616 vascular plant species (link) | William Cornwell | University of New South Wales | public | | |
515 | A-Ci curves (link) | Lahcen Benomar | université Laval | public | | |
1 | Abisko & Sheffield Database | Johannes Cornelissen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
356 | Aboveground morphological traits of grassland species | Marina Semchenko | University of Manchester | public | | |
604 | Absorptive root morphological traits of boreal and hemiboreal alder, birch and spruce forests | Ivika Ostonen | University of Tartu | public | | |
469 | ACi-TGlob_V1.0: A Global dataset of photosynthetic CO2 response curves of terrestrial plants | Dushan Kumarathunge | Coconut Research Institute of Sri Lanka | public | | |
683 | Adenostyles alliariae leaf morphology | Tucker Gilman | University of Manchester | public | | |
723 | Agroforestry tree and leaf trait data from CATIE, Costa Rica | Stephanie Gagliardi | University of Toronto | public | | |
408 | Alaska Peatland Experiment PFT values | Mara McPartland | University of Minnesota | public | | |
253 | Allometric Coefficients of Aboveground Tree Biomass | Carlos Sierra | | public | | |
649 | Alpine tundra plants - effects of climate warming on traits of species in mid-latitude snowbeds | Michele Carbognani | University of Parma | public | | |
524 | AlpinePlants_Austria | Robert R. Junker | Philipps-University Marburg | public | | |
200 | Altitudinal Vicariants Spain | Ruben Milla | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | public | | |
151 | Aluminium Tolerance Dataset | Peter Poschlod | University of Regensburg | public | | |
646 | AM fungi and plant growth | Daijun Liu | University of Birmingham | public | | |
728 | Ambrosia artemisiifolia Gentili | Rodolfo Gentili | University of Milano-Bicocca | public | | |
696 | Ameroglossum_data | Artur Wanderley | Federal University of Pernambuco | public | | |
774 | AndeanTraitDatabase_Rastrojos_Colombia | Natalia Norden | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
361 | Angiosperm leaf venation networks | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
259 | Angiosperm Shoot Ionomes Dataset | Philip White | The James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie Dundee | public | | |
732 | Annonaceae_traits (link) | Renske Onstein | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
535 | Annual mortality rate of mature trees in central Amazon rainforest over 5 decades of monitoring | Izabela Aleixo | Instituto de Pesquisas da Amazonia | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
458 | Antibiotics-effects on plant elements | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
457 | Antibiotics-effects on plant traits | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
585 | Arable weed trait data set | Jana Bürger | Universität Rostock | public | | |
305 | Araucaria Forest Database | Pedro Higuchi | Santa Catarina State University | public | | |
525 | Arboretum Grosspoessna 2014 leaf chemical and photosynthesis traits | Benjamin Dechant | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
401 | Arctic Leaf Photosynthetic Parameters Vcmax and Jmax Estimated from CO2 Response Curves (link) | Alistair Rogers | Climate and Ecosystem Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley | public | | |
402 | Arctic Photosynthetic parameter Vcmax Estimated Using the 1-Point Method (link) | Alistair Rogers | Climate and Ecosystem Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley | public | | |
89 | ArtDeco Database | Will Cornwell | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
610 | Ash Free Dry Mass of Ceratophyllum submersum | Ivana Svitkova | Institute of Botany SAS | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
689 | Aspinwall et al. 2019 GCB | Michael J. Aspinwall | University of Western Sydney | public | | |
533 | Atlantic forest and Mexican forests | Bruno Pinho | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFP | public | | |
632 | Atractocarpus from new Caledonia | David Bruy | | public | | |
614 | Ausplot_traits | ning dong | | restricted | | |
3 | Australian Fire Ecology Database | Ross Bradstock | University of Wollongong | public | | |
431 | BAAD: a biomass and allometry database for woody plants (link) | Daniel Falster | University of New South Wales | public | | |
191 | Baccara - Plant Traits of European Forests | Koen Kramer | Alterra | public | | |
766 | Baccharis pilularis traits growing in Drought Net 2019-20 - Santa Cruz, CA, USA | Justin Luong | UC Santa Cruz and UC Santa Barbara | public | | |
660 | Bahalkeh 2019 | khadijeh bahalkeh | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
716 | Balruddery barley-mixture weed experiment, 2016. | Robin Pakeman | The James Hutton Institute | public | | |
645 | Barbeau Leaf Minerals, Quercus petraea, Carpinus betulus | Nicolas Delpierre | Université Paris-Sud | public | | |
633 | Bark Wood traits New Phytol 2014 & Oecologia 2015 | Julieta Rosell | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
175 | BASECO: a floristic and ecological database of Mediterranean French flora | Sophie Gachet | Aix Marseille University / IMBE | public | | |
576 | Bauerle Vcmax and Jmax data | William Bauerle | Colorado State University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
600 | Bay of Biscay dunes (link) | Juan Antonio Campos | University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU) | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
441 | BBB - A global Belowground Bud Bank database (link) | Juli Pausas | Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación | public | | |
4 | BiolFlor Database (link) | Ingolf Kühn | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ | public | | |
376 | Biomass allocation in beech and spruce seedlings | Christian Ammer | University of Göttingen | public | | |
287 | Biomass allocation of Carex obnupta and Carex stipata | Nate Hough-Snee | Utah State University | public | | |
684 | Biomass Distribution Database | Hendrik Poorter | Forschungszentrum Jülich | public | | |
79 | BIOME-BGC Parameterization Database (link) | Michael White | Utah State University | public | | |
71 | BIOPOP: Functional Traits for Nature Conservation (link) | Peter Poschlod | University of Regensburg | public | | |
210 | BIOTREE Trait Data | Michael Scherer-Lorenzen | University of Freiburg | cur. na | | | |
211 | BIOTREE Trait Shade Experiment | Michael Scherer-Lorenzen | University of Freiburg | public | | |
626 | BolivianBofedalTraitData | Valerie Raevel | | public | | |
747 | Bonetti et al_PCE_2020_Xylem hydraulic conductivity | Sara Bonetti | EPFL | public | | |
593 | branch_anatomy | Bernhard Schuldt | University of Würzburg | public | | |
486 | Brassica tournefortii | Daniel Winkler | University of California, Merced | public | | |
474 | BROT 2.0 (link) | Juli Pausas | Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación | public | | |
450 | BryForTrait – a life-history trait database of forest bryophytes | Markus Bernhardt-Römermann | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | public | | |
289 | Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park | Angel de Frutos | | public | | |
448 | Cadotte 2017 Ecology Letters: herbaceous traits measured in the filed | Marc Cadotte | University of Toronto-Scarborough | public | | |
249 | California Coastal Grassland Database | Brody Sandel | Santa Clara University | public | | |
217 | Canopy Traits for Temperate Tree Species Under High N-Deposition | Kris Verheyen | Ghent University | public | | |
91 | Catalonian Mediterranean Forest Trait Database | Josep Peñuelas | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | public | | |
131 | Catalonian Mediterranean Shrubland Trait Database | Josep Peñuelas | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | public | | |
104 | Categorical Plant Traits Database | Olivier Flores | Université de la Réunion / CIRAD | public | | |
110 | Categorical Plant Traits Database | Hendrik Poorter | Forschungszentrum Jülich | public | | |
117 | Categorical Plant Traits Database | Peter van Bodegom | Leiden University | public | | |
57 | Categorical Plant Traits Database | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
485 | Catimbau National Park, Brazil | Julia Sfair | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
84 | Caucasus Plant Traits Database | Nadia Soudzilovskaia | Hasselt University | public | | |
185 | cDNA Content of Carex | Andrew Hipp | The Morton Arboretum | public | | |
7 | Cedar Creek Plant Physiology Database | Daniel Bunker | New Jersey Institute of Technology | public | | |
354 | Cedar Creek prairie plants (leaf, seed, dispersule, height, plant, root) | Jane Catford | Kings College London | cur. na | | | |
70 | Cedar Creek Savanna SLA, C, N Database | Peter Reich | University of Minnesota | public | | |
586 | Cedrus atlantica traits | Alain Hambuckers | University of Liège | public | | |
730 | Central Balkan Mt dataset | Tsvetelina Terziyska | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | public | | |
602 | Chajul secondary forest species | Madelon Lohbeck | Wageningen University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
581 | Charidemi Database | Ruben Tarifa | | public | | |
53 | Chinese Leaf Traits Database | Jingyun Fang | University of Peking | public | | |
420 | Chinese savanna trees - aboveground trait data | Coline Boonman | Wageningen University | public | | |
236 | Chinese Traits | Sandy Harrison | University of Reading | public | | |
512 | (link) | Thomas Gregor | Senckenberg | public | | |
345 | CIRAD Selmet Tree LNC Sahel | Simon Taugourdeau | CIRAD_SELMET | public | | |
570 | CLE_restored_prairie_greenhouse_traits | Chad Zirbel | | public | | |
106 | Climbing Plants Trait Database | Rachael Gallagher | Macquarie University | public | | |
176 | Climbing plants trait dataset | Rachael Gallagher | Macquarie University | public | | |
243 | CLO-PLA : a Database of Clonal Growth in Plants | Jitka Klimesova | | public | | |
738 | CMQ lettuce (link) | Ivan Simko | USDA-ARS | public | | |
527 | CNP seed stoichiometry | Tereza Maskova | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
775 | Coastal grasslands invaded by Rosa rugosa (Belgium) | Kenny Helsen | University of Leuven | public | | |
776 | Coastal grasslands with Rosa rugosa (Hokkaido, Japan) | Kenny Helsen | University of Leuven | public | | |
427 | Coffea arabica var. Caturra - leaf traits | Serra Willow Buchanan | University of Toronto | public | | |
722 | Coffee plant and leaf trait data in monoculture/agroforestry in CATIE, Costa Rica | Stephanie Gagliardi | University of Toronto | public | | |
184 | Cold Tolerance, Seed Size and Height of North American Forest Tree Species | Bradford Hawkins | University of California, Irvine | public | | |
710 | Colorado Plateau Restoration Species | Kathleen Balazs | Northern Arizona University | public | | |
606 | Colt Park Mesocosms (link) | Benjamin Jackson | University of Edinburgh | public | | |
564 | Competition | Mark van Kleunen | Universität Konstanz | public | | |
74 | Costa Rica Rainforest Trees Database | Bryan Finegan | Tropical Agricultural Centre for Research and Higher Education (CATIE) | public | | |
263 | Costa Rican Tropical Dry Forest Trees | Jennifer Powers | | public | | |
624 | CPCRW Carbon Dynamics Along Permafrost Gradient: Specific Leaf Area of Alder and Spruce | Cam Anderson | University of Massachusetts Amherst | public | | |
438 | Crop Trait Database | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
274 | Crown Architecture Database | Felipe Lenti | Universidade de Brasília | public | | |
288 | CTFS Luquillo Forest Dynamics Plot | Nathan Swenson | University of Maryland | public | | |
773 | Dahra_Senegal_Sibret et al (link) | Thomas Sibret | UGent | public | | |
622 | Daintree Rainforest Functional Traits Data | Deborah Apgaua | National Institute of Atlantic Forest, B | public | | |
736 | Data for: Sancho-Knapik et al. Deciduous evergreen oaks contrasting responses in LMA (link) | Juan Pedro Ferrio | ARAID-CITA | public | | |
467 | Data on chlorophylls and carotenoids in plants and lichens at the European Northeast of Russia | Olga Dymova | Institute of Biology RAS | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
391 | Dataset for Rosell 2016 New Phytologist | Julieta Rosell | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México | public | | |
392 | Dataset for Rosell et al. 2017 New Phytologist | Julieta Rosell | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México | public | | |
751 | Dataset of leaf inclination angles for 71 different Eucalyptus species (link) | Jan Pisek | Tartu Observatory | public | | |
545 | Dataset on reproductive traits of Scandinavian alpine plants | Hans Henrik Bruun | University of Copenhagen | public | | |
213 | Day and Night Gas Exchange of Deciduous Tree Seedlings in Response to Experimental Warming and Preci | Nick Smith | Texas Tech University | public | | |
656 | Decomposition experiment with standard substrate. Funcional traits (SLA, LDMC and SSD) associated to (link) | Ricardo Oliveira | Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR | public | | |
644 | Delpierre_QuercusPetraea_Photosynthesis_Seasonal_ClimateChambers | Nicolas Delpierre | Université Paris-Sud | public | | |
225 | Diameter at Breast Height and Life Form of Amazonian Flora | Erika Berenguer | | public | | |
754 | Digital Herbarium Specimen data | Vamsi Krishna Kommineni | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry | public | | |
686 | Dipsacus fullonum leaf traits | Ivana Svitkova | Institute of Botany SAS | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
672 | DISEQU-ALP | Sabine Rumpf | University of Vienna | public | | |
48 | Dispersal Traits Database | Steve Higgins | Goethe-University Frankfurt | public | | |
529 | Diurnal and nocturnal gas exchange Quercus spp. | Elena Granda | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
616 | Div_Resource Pot Experiment | Alrun Siebenkäs | | public | | |
504 | Djolu | Marijn Bauters | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
327 | Eastern US Old Field Plant Traits Database | Andrew Siefert | Syracuse University | public | | |
12 | ECOCRAFT | Belinda Medlyn | Western Sydney University | public | | |
174 | Ecological Flora of the British Isles (link) | Henry Ford | University of York | public | | |
336 | Ecophsiological traits of Pinus halepensis Miller | Tamir Klein | Weizmann Institute of Science | public | | |
583 | Ecophy | Cécile Albert | IMBE | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
612 | Ecophysiological parameters of tree and shrub leaves in forest-steppe plantings (link) | Nikolai Yankov | Samara University | public | | |
522 | Ecophysiology of Selaginella and fern species in a Costa Rica wet tropical forest floor | Courtney Campany | Colgate University | public | | |
75 | ECOQUA South American Plant Traits Database | Valerio Pillar | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | public | | |
245 | Ecotron Species Composition and Global Change Experiment | Peter Manning | | public | | |
579 | Effect of drought on pine needle traits | Hervé Jactel | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) | public | | |
341 | eHALOPH - Halophytes Database (2015) (link) | Tim Flowers | | public | | |
414 | eHALOPH - Halophytes Database (2018) | Tim Flowers | | public | | |
316 | Element contents of plant organs of halohytic species, NW-Germany | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
242 | Ellenberg Indicator Values | Gerhard Boenisch | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry | public | | |
745 | Ethiopian savannah traits | Kenny Helsen | University of Leuven | public | | |
76 | European Mountain Meadows Plant Traits Database | Michael Bahn | University of Innsbruck | public | | |
453 | European North Russia | Alexander Novakovskiy | Institute of Biology of Komi SC UB RAS | public | | |
670 | Fabio Carvalho lowland fen peatland | Fabio Carvalho | Lancaster University | public | | |
623 | Fagus sylvatica Paggeo Greece | Aristotelis C. Papageorgiou | Democritus University of Thrace | public | | |
411 | Fall Velocity from Baltic Island species | Markus Bernhardt-Römermann | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | public | | |
77 | FAPESP Brazil Rainforest Database | Enio Sosinski | Embrapa Temperate Agriculture | public | | |
481 | Fazlioglu et al. 2016 | Fatih Fazlioglu | Bayreuth University | public | | |
482 | Fazlioglu et al. 2017 | Fatih Fazlioglu | Bayreuth University | public | | |
477 | Fazlioglu et al. 2018_raw data | Fatih Fazlioglu | Bayreuth University | public | | |
480 | Fazlioglu, 2008 | Fatih Fazlioglu | Bayreuth University | public | | |
478 | Fazlioglu, 2011, MSc Thesis | Fatih Fazlioglu | Bayreuth University | public | | |
121 | Fern Spore Mass Database | Johannes Cornelissen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
734 | Fern Traits in Subtropical Forest (link) | nicolas fanin | INRAE | public | | |
742 | Figueroa et al. Tracheid diameter-plant height scaling across gymnosperms and vesselless dicots | Mark E. Olson | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
772 | Fiji_colo-i-suva | Estelle Forey | laboratoire ECODIV | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
397 | Fine root traits of 141 Central European grassland species (link) | Joana Bergmann | Freie Universität Berlin | public | | |
238 | Fire Related Traits in Proteaceae and Pinaceae | Tianhua He | | public | | |
228 | Flora d’Italia Functional Traits Hoard (FIFTH) | Bruno E. L. Cerabolini | University of Insubria | public | | |
54 | Floridian Leaf Traits Database | Jeannine Cavender-Bares | University of Minnesota | public | | |
718 | Foliar chemistry of Populus tremuloides | Han Chen | Lakehead University | public | | |
749 | Foliar chemistry of Populus tremuloides | Han Chen | Lakehead University | public | | |
753 | Foliar_CNP_under_sheep_grazing | Maowei Liang | Inner Mongolia University | public | | |
63 | Fonseca/Wright New South Wales Database | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
617 | Forbs and grasses in North East Belgium (link) | Elisa Van Cleemput | | public | | |
360 | Fossil Leaf Traits | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
339 | FRED - Fine Root Ecology Database (link) | Colleen Iversen | | public | | |
310 | French Alps Trait Data | Sandra Lavorel | LECA-CNRS | public | | |
80 | French Massif Central Grassland Trait Database | Frédérique Louault | Université Clermont Auvergne, INRAE, VetAgro Sup, UMR Ecosystème Prairial | public | | |
150 | French Weeds Trait Database | Bernard Amiaud | | public | | |
511 | Freschet et al. 2015 - Mount Hutt | Gregoire Freschet | CNRS | public | | |
510 | Freschet et al. 2015 - VU greenhouse | Gregoire Freschet | CNRS | public | | |
507 | Freschet et al. 2018 | Gregoire Freschet | CNRS | public | | |
709 | Freschet Mount Hutt 1450 | Gregoire Freschet | CNRS | public | | |
59 | Frost Hardiness Database | Anja Rammig | Technical University of Munich | public | | |
498 | Fruit type, fruit dimension and flowering time | Si-Chong Chen | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | public | | |
560 | FruitTraits_Ecuador_NeuschulzSchleuningBoeGae | Eike Lena Neuschulz | Senckenberg BiK-F | public | | |
655 | Functional Flowering Plant Traits | Jane Morrison | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | public | | |
435 | Functional Resilience of Temperate Forests Dataset | Mario Liebergesell | University of Leipzig | cur. na | | | |
473 | Functional trait data Colombian dry Forest trees | Evert Thomas | Bioversity International | public | | |
479 | Functional trait data Colombian dry Forest trees | Evert Thomas | Bioversity International | public | | |
720 | Functional traits and environmental conditions of Thymus praecox in Central German badlands (link) | Kevin Karbstein | University of Goettingen | public | | |
727 | Functional traits and phylogenetics help explain coastal grassland restoration planting survival and | Justin Luong | UC Santa Cruz and UC Santa Barbara | public | | |
719 | Functional traits and within habitat characteristics of Trifolium montanum (mountain clover) in Cent (link) | Kevin Karbstein | University of Goettingen | public | | |
285 | Functional traits explaining variation in plant life history strategies | Peter Adler | Utah State University | public | | |
267 | Functional Traits for Restoration Ecology in the Colombian Amazon | Andres Gonzalez-Melo | | public | | |
735 | Functional traits in regenerating Atlantic Forest | Elivane Capellesso | Universidade Federal do Paraná | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
627 | functional traits native and invasive species in tropical dry forest (link) | Maribel Vasquez | Universidad Distrital | public | | |
264 | Functional Traits Of Bulgarian Grasslands | Kiril Vassilev | Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts | public | | |
506 | Functional traits of Cistus species leaf cohorts | Giacomo Puglielli | Sapienza University of Rome | public | | |
701 | Functional traits of epiphytes on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania | David Schellenberger Costa | Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
152 | Functional Traits of Graminoids in Semi-Arid Steppes Database | Peter Adler | Utah State University | public | | |
439 | Functional Traits of Trees (link) | C. E. Timothy Paine | University of Stirling | public | | |
377 | Functional Traits of Trees in Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica | Eduardo Chacon | University of Costa Rica | public | | |
658 | Functional Traits of Tropical Dry Forest (Colombia) Fundación Natura and Enel-Emgesa | Mary Berdugo | Instituto de Ciencias Naturales (UNAL) | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
357 | Functional traits of woody species in the Brazilian semi-arid region | Guilherme Mazzochini | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte | public | | |
543 | Functional traits related to flammability | Carolina Santacruz | Conicet | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
250 | FYNBASE - Database of Plant Traits From the South African Fynbos Biome | Frank Schurr | University of Hohenheim | public | | |
416 | Garmisch-Partenkirchen elevational gradients | Solveig Franziska Bucher | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | public | | |
496 | Garraf-Penuelas (link) | Josep Peñuelas | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
769 | Geissois (link) | Yohan Pillon | IRD | public | | |
563 | Germination | Mark van Kleunen | Universität Konstanz | public | | |
455 | Gift - Plant Growth Form Dataset (link) | Patrick Weigelt | Universität Göttingen | public | | |
130 | Global 15N Database | Joseph Craine | Jonah Ventures | public | | |
94 | Global A, N, P, SLA Database | Peter Reich | University of Minnesota | public | | |
432 | Global Dataset of Maximum Rooting Depth | Ying Fan Reinfelder | Rutgers University | public | | |
81 | Global Leaf Element Composition Database | Steven Jansen | Ulm University | public | | |
436 | Global Leaf Gas Exchange Database (I) (link) | Yan-Shih Lin | | public | | |
437 | Global Leaf Gas Exchange Database (II) (link) | Belinda Medlyn | Western Sydney University | public | | |
279 | Global Leaf Phenology Database | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
87 | Global Leaf Robustness and Physiology Database | Ülo Niinemets | Estonian University of Life Sciences | public | | |
340 | Global leaf size dataset | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
198 | Global Leaf-Sapwood Area Ratios | Maurizio Mencuccini | | public | | |
96 | Global Respiration Database | Peter Reich | University of Minnesota | public | | |
286 | Global Respiration Database | Owen Atkin | Australian National University | public | | |
28 | Global Seed Mass, Plant Height Database | Angela Moles | University of New South Wales | public | | |
62 | Global Vessel Anatomy Database | Amy Zanne | University of Missouri | public | | |
244 | Global Wood Anatomy Database 1 | Frederic Lens | Naturalis Biodiversity Center | public | | |
82 | Global Wood Anatomy Database 2 | Steven Jansen | Ulm University | public | | |
258 | Global Wood Decomposition Database (version 1.1) | James Weedon | | public | | |
61 | Global Wood Density Database (link) | Amy Zanne | University of Missouri | public | | |
280 | Global Woodiness Database | Will Cornwell | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
20 | GLOPNET - Global Plant Trait Network Database (link) | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
678 | Golden Gate NP | Tanya Strydom | University of Pretoria | public | | |
320 | Grassland Plant Trait Database | Meelis Pärtel | University of Tartu | public | | |
394 | Great Basin sagebrush seedlings-greenhouse experiment | Courtney Collins | University of California Riverside | public | | |
186 | Growth and Herbivory of Juvenil Trees | Hervé Jactel | Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) | public | | |
499 | Growth form data for 3581 Australian species | Si-Chong Chen | Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew | public | | |
582 | Guisane2080 | Cécile Albert | IMBE | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
559 | Haean_South_Korea_Traits | Ali Hamada | Suez Canal University | public | | |
237 | Harze Trait Intravar: SLA, LDMC and Plant Height for Calcareous Grassland Species in South Belgium | Mélanie Harzé | University of Liège | public | | |
528 | Hawaii Floral traits | Jonas Kuppler | Ulm University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
422 | Hawaii native and non indigenous species. Traits and environment | Zdravko Baruch | University of Adelaide | public | | |
114 | Hawaiian Leaf Traits Database | Josep Peñuelas | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | public | | |
266 | Hawaiian Lobeliad | Rebecca Montgomery | University of Minnesota | public | | |
744 | Heishiding_Performance_Trait_Environment_Data | Yuanzhi Li | | public | | |
553 | Herbaceous leaf traits database from Mediterranean serpentine and non-serpentine soils | George Adamidis | University of the Aegean | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
447 | Herbaceous plants of Rouge National Urban Park | Marc Cadotte | University of Toronto-Scarborough | public | | |
207 | Herbaceous Plants Traits From Southern Germany | Christine Roemermann | Universität Jena | public | | |
115 | Herbaceous Traits from the Öland Island Database | Thomas Hickler | LOEWE Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre | public | | |
212 | Herbs Water Relations on Soil Moisture Gradients | Serge Sheremetev | Komarov Botanical Institute | public | | |
521 | Heterotheca brandegei traits | Daniel Winkler | University of California, Merced | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
307 | Hokkaido leaf traits | Akira Mori | | public | | |
537 | Hokkaido plant traits 2 | Akira Mori | | public | | |
229 | Hydrophytes Traits Database | Bruno E. L. Cerabolini | University of Insubria | public | | |
601 | IanWrightNTsavannaTraits | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
204 | Impatiens Glandulifera Dataset | Anna Pahl | Technische Universität München | public | | |
759 | Independent evolutionary changes in fine-root traits among main clades during the diversification of | Oscar Valverde-Barrantes | Kent State University | public | | |
726 | Individual-based traits in alpine vegetation (link) | Gianalberto Losapio | Stanford University | public | | |
613 | Inner bark and wood NSC concentrations,density, height, phenology, bark photosynthesis, bark thickne | Julieta Rosell | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
756 | Intraspecific trait variation of dominant grasses in North American Tallgrass Prairie | Zhe Ren | Southern Illinois University | public | | |
667 | Intraspecific variation leaf traits temperate rainforest (link) | Chris Lusk | University of Waikato | public | | |
631 | inus_traits_Beloiu_Beierkuhnlein_06_2019 | Carl Beierkuhnlein | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
666 | Iranian Marl database | khadijeh bahalkeh | | public | | |
403 | Iranian Plant Trait Dataset | Mehdi Abedi | Tarbiat Modares University | public | | |
488 | IR_DowlatAbad | Mohammad Bagher Erfanian | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
164 | Italian Alps Plant Traits Database | Matteo Dainese | University of Würzburg | public | | |
729 | Italian Prealps dry grasslands | Rodolfo Gentili | University of Milano-Bicocca | public | | |
405 | JACARE A-Ci leaf trait data base 2017 | Owen Atkin | Australian National University | public | | |
55 | Jasper Ridge Californian Woody Plants Database | Will Cornwell | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
293 | Jasper Ridge leaf chemistry data | Kyla Dahlin | Michigan State University | public | | |
589 | Jena Experiment Traits | Christiane Roscher | UFZ Leipzig | public | | |
763 | Juniperus Monosperma allometric traits for biomass and sapwood area (link) | Andrew Cunliffe | University of Exeter | public | | |
60 | KEW African Plant Traits Database | Don Kirkup | Royal Botanic Gardens KEW | public | | |
21 | KEW Seed Information Database (SID) (link) | Udayangani Liu | Kew | public | | |
664 | Khalil Prairie Plant Traits (link) | David Gibson | SIUC | public | | |
449 | KIT herbaceous functional gradient (median) | Teja Kattenborn | Leipzig University | public | | |
526 | KIT herbaceous functional gradient (weekly measurements) | Teja Kattenborn | Leipzig University | public | | |
355 | Knautia arvensis; Mid-Norway | Knut Hovstad | Bioforsk | public | | |
741 | Kocillari et al. Tip-to-base conduit scaling across vascular plant orders | Mark E. Olson | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
183 | Komati Leaf Trait Data | Wesley Hattingh | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg | public | | |
557 | Kuujjuarapik-Whapmagoostui | Akira Mori | | public | | |
703 | La Copita (Texas, USA) woody plant foliar chemical traits | Fiona Soper | McGill University | public | | |
636 | La Selva FT Data | Vanessa Boukili | University of Connecticut | public | | |
568 | LABDENDRO Brazilian Subtropical Forest Traits Database [Dataset III] | Ana Carolina Silva | Santa Catarina State University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
393 | LABDENDRO Brazilian Subtropical Forest Traits Database [Dataset II] | Ana Carolina Silva | Santa Catarina State University | public | | |
567 | LABDENDRO Brazilian Subtropical Forest Traits Database [Dataset IV] | Pedro Higuchi | Santa Catarina State University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
508 | ladias: leaf traits in the Czech flora | Zdenka Lososová | Masaryk University | public | | |
643 | Lapalala grass trait data 2019 | Arend de Beer | University of Pretoria | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
484 | Lariz Occidentalis branch section specific leaf area and dry mass | Andrew Nelson | University of Idaho | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
232 | LBA ECO CD02: Tapajos Leaf Water Potential | Tomas Domingues | | public | | |
255 | LBA ECO Tapajos: Leaf Characteristics and Photosynthesis | Tomas Domingues | | public | | |
224 | LBA-ECO CD-02 C and N Isotopes in Leaves and Atmospheric CO2, Amazonas, Brazil | Alessandro de Araujo | | public | | |
262 | LBA-ECO CD-09 Soil and Vegetation Characteristics, Tapajos National Forest, Brazil | Mathew Williams | University of Edinburgh | public | | |
424 | LCE: Leaf carbon exchange dataset for tropical, temperate, and boreal species of North and Central A (link) | Nick Smith | Texas Tech University | public | | |
205 | Leaf Allometry Dataset | Charles Price | University of Western Australia | public | | |
620 | leaf and flower pressure volume curve data | Adam Roddy | | public | | |
466 | Leaf and stem traits of Eremanthus erythropappus | Mateus Silva | | public | | |
50 | Leaf and Whole Plant Traits Database | Bill Shipley | Université de Sherbrooke | public | | |
503 | Leaf and whole plant traits of Val Cervara old growth beech forest (Central Apennine, Italy) | Roberto Canullo | University of Camerino | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
111 | Leaf and Whole-Plant Traits Database: Hydraulic and Gas Exchange Physiology, Anatomy, Venation Struc | Lawren Sack | University of California | public | | |
321 | Leaf angles | Jan Pisek | Tartu Observatory | public | | |
417 | Leaf angles Raabe et al 2015 | Jan Pisek | Tartu Observatory | public | | |
209 | Leaf Area, Dry Mass and SLA Dataset | Brandon Schamp | Algoma University | public | | |
180 | Leaf Ash Content in China's Terrestrial Plants | Wenxuan Han | China Agricultural University | public | | |
124 | Leaf Biomechanics Database | Yusuke Onoda | Kyushu University | public | | |
172 | Leaf Characteristics of Pinus Sylvestris and Picea Abies | Katrin Fleischer | VU Amsterdam | public | | |
109 | Leaf Chemical Defense Database | Tara Massad | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry | public | | |
463 | Leaf Chlorophyll and carotenoids Database | Leonid Ivanov | Institute Botanic Garden UB RAS | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
221 | Leaf Economic Traits Across Varying Environmental Conditions | Justin Wright | Duke University | public | | |
550 | Leaf economic traits in coffee (link) | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
548 | Leaf economic traits in soy | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
423 | Leaf economic traits in wheat and maize (link) | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
362 | Leaf economics spectrum and venation networks in Populus tremuloides | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
669 | Leaf Economics Traits of Woody Species in Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, Southern China | Pengcheng He | South China Botanical Garden | public | | |
389 | Leaf element composition of ferns and lycophytes | Steven Jansen | Ulm University | public | | |
509 | Leaf functional traits for tropical saplings from Jianfengling, Hainan Island, China (link) | J. Aaron Hogan | Florida International University | public | | |
554 | Leaf functional traits from Sino-US Dimension project (Chinese collaborators) | Yunpeng Zhao | Zhejiang University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
295 | Leaf functional traits in the Hawaiian silversword alliance | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
179 | Leaf Gross Morphometrics Within one Species in Relation to Latitude, Altitude and Time | Greg Guerin | | public | | |
195 | Leaf Herbivores, Fibres and Secondary Compounds For European Grassland Species | Jessy Loranger | Université de Sherbrooke | public | | |
491 | Leaf inclination angle (link) | Francesco Chianucci | | public | | |
758 | Leaf longevity of temperate evergreen species | Linnea Smith | Boston University | public | | |
400 | Leaf Mass Area, Leaf Carbon and Nitrogen Content, Barrow, Alaska (link) | Alistair Rogers | Climate and Ecosystem Science Division Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley | public | | |
167 | Leaf N-Retention Database | Franciska de Vries | | public | | |
181 | Leaf Nitrogen and Phosphorus for China's Terrestrial Plants | Wenxuan Han | China Agricultural University | public | | |
326 | Leaf nutrient concentrations | Victor Rolo Romero | Mendel University | public | | |
407 | Leaf nutrient concentration_Scalon et al. 2017 (link) | Marina Scalon | | public | | |
404 | Leaf nutrients and SLA for old field shrubs and small trees from northeastern Connecticut, USA | Nicole Kinlock | Stony Brook University | public | | |
154 | Leaf Photosynthesis and Nitrogen at Oak Ridge Dataset | Dennis Baldocchi | University of California | public | | |
67 | Leaf Physiology Database | Jens Kattge | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry | public | | |
358 | Leaf Respiration Acclimation in Panama | Martijn Slot | | public | | |
252 | Leaf Structure and Chemistry | Bill Shipley | Université de Sherbrooke | public | | |
227 | Leaf Structure and Economics Spectrum | Bruno E. L. Cerabolini | University of Insubria | public | | |
226 | Leaf Structure, Venation and Economic Spectrum | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
588 | Leaf trait records of rare and endangered plant species in the Pannonian flora | Anna E-Vojtkó | Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy | public | | |
388 | Leaf traits (and a few seed weights) collected from plants in the Macquarie Marshes, Australia | Samantha Dawson | SLU, Sweden | public | | |
476 | Leaf traits and litter properties in Dinghu mountain, Guangdong province, China | Enqing Hou | South China Botanical Garden | public | | |
338 | Leaf Traits and Seed Mass of Cover Crops | Hélène Tribouillois | INRA Toulouse | public | | |
348 | Leaf traits data (SLA) for 56 woody species at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute-Forest | Erika B. Gonzalez-Akre | Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institu | public | | |
315 | Leaf traits for Picea glauca and Pinus sylvestris on University of Calgary (Canada) campus | Sean Michaletz | University of Arizona | public | | |
381 | Leaf traits from Baltic Island species | Markus Bernhardt-Römermann | Friedrich Schiller University Jena | public | | |
454 | Leaf traits from ECOSHRUB Dovrefjell Norway | Mia Vedel Sørensen | NTNU | public | | |
165 | Leaf Traits From Madagascar | Kerry Brown | Kingston University London | public | | |
304 | Leaf traits from North West Italy | Giovanni Gligora | | public | | |
194 | Leaf Traits From the LBA SECA Rain Exclusion Experiment (link) | Jens Kattge | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry | public | | |
300 | Leaf traits from the Loess Plateau region of northern Shaanxi in China | Yongfu Chai | School of Life Science | public | | |
161 | Leaf Traits in Central Apennines Beech Forests | Giandiego Campetella | | public | | |
220 | Leaf Traits in Italian Central Apennines Beech Forests | Giandiego Campetella | | public | | |
234 | Leaf Traits Mount Hutt, New Zealand | Gregoire Freschet | CNRS | public | | |
590 | Leaf Traits of Aquatic Plants | Dina Ronzhina | | public | | |
501 | Leaf traits of beech forest understory species | Stefano Chelli | University of Camerino | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
346 | Leaf traits of Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. ex. G. Don | Anh Tuan Dang-Le | University of Science, VN Universities | public | | |
698 | Leaf traits of herbaceous plants on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania | David Schellenberger Costa | Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena | public | | |
464 | Leaf traits of selected trees and lianas_vivek | Vivek Pandi | Manipal Centre for Natural Sciences (MCNS) | public | | |
700 | Leaf traits of woody plants on Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania | David Schellenberger Costa | Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena | public | | |
318 | Leaf traits related to mesophyll conductance in wild relatives of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon) | Christopher Muir | University of Wisconsin, Madison | public | | |
704 | Leaf traits Rhizophora apiculata in Can Gio - Vietnam | Anh Tuan Dang-Le | University of Science, VN Universities | public | | |
373 | Leaf vein density of Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus faginea Lam. | Raquel Benavides | | public | | |
748 | Leaf, trap, and seed traits of carnivorous plants | Aaron Ellison | Harvard University | public | | |
705 | Leaf-Height-Seed traits of Mediterranean mountain grassland | Alessandro Bricca | | public | | |
421 | LECA - Traits of the European Alpine Flora | Louise Boulangeat | Laboratoire dEcologie Alpine, Grenoble | public | | |
648 | LEVEG-UFRGS | Sandra Müller | Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
425 | Linking hard and soft traits | Michaël Belluau | Université de Sherbrooke | public | | |
157 | Litter N Content of Canadian Forests | Benjamin Bond-Lamberty | Joint Global Change Research Institute | public | | |
177 | Litter Traits Dataset | Pablo García-Palacios | Centre dEcologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive-CNRS | public | | |
495 | Live fuel moisture data at a pine forest | Víctor Resco de Dios | University of Lleida | public | | |
688 | LMA and LDMC of cloud forest tree seedlings in an elevation gradient | Tarin Toledo-Aceves | Instituto de Ecología, A.C. | public | | |
333 | LMA, leaf tissue density and N&P content along the Amazon-Andes gradient in Peru | Marjan van de Weg | | public | | |
657 | López-García et al. Denmark | Alvaro Lopez-Garcia | Spanish Councilfor Scientific Research | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
344 | LosTuxtlas_functionaltraits | Cristina Martinez-Garza | Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morel | public | | |
687 | M Isaac_Daucus carota | Marney Isaac | University of Toronto | public | | |
514 | Macquarie_xylem_leaf_site_hydraulic | Sean Gleason | USDA-ARS | public | | |
372 | Malga San Simone Trait Database (MSS) | Bruno E. L. Cerabolini | University of Insubria | public | | |
291 | MARGINS - leaf traits database | Daniel Hornstein | HSWT | public | | |
577 | Marion Island Fine Scale | Tanya Strydom | University of Pretoria | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
206 | Maxfield Meadow, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory - LMA | Quentin Read | USDA Agricultural Research Service | public | | |
214 | Maximum Height of Chinese Tree Species (From Silva Sinica) | Nathan Swenson | University of Maryland | public | | |
192 | Meadow Plant Traits: Biomass Allocation, Rooting depth | Vojtech Lanta | University of Turku | public | | |
680 | Mean Germination data for all species across all water potentials and temperatures | Corrine Duncan | Federation University | public | | |
737 | Mean leaf trait values of woody seedlings of a Caatinga Dry Forest | Renato Vanderlai | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
566 | Mediterranean Forests in Transition (MEDIT) dataset | Nikolaos Fyllas | University of the Aegea | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
661 | Mediterranean Forests in Transition MEDIT dataset | Nikolaos Fyllas | University of Athens | public | | |
591 | Mediterranean mixed forest | Antonio Jesus Perea | University of Jaén | public | | |
349 | Mediterranean psammophytes | Daniela Ciccarelli | University of Pisa | public | | |
544 | MediterraneanRoadcutTraitData | Valerie Raevel | | public | | |
694 | Michaletz_CambridgeBay2019 | Sean Michaletz | University of Arizona | public | | |
691 | Michaletz_RMBL2013 | Sean Michaletz | University of Arizona | public | | |
692 | Michaletz_RMBL2015 | Sean Michaletz | University of Arizona | public | | |
693 | Michaletz_SUMO2015 | Sean Michaletz | University of Arizona | public | | |
66 | Midwestern and Southern US Herbaceous Species Trait Database | Evan Weiher | University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | public | | |
281 | Minimum Freezing Exposure Database | Daniel McGlinn | College of Charleston | public | | |
352 | Miombo tree species - leaf nutrients | Colleen Seymour | South African National Biodiversity Institute | public | | |
351 | Miombo tree species - SLA, leaf and seed size | Colleen Seymour | South African National Biodiversity Institute | public | | |
765 | mixed_US_rangeland_size_biomass | Andrew Cunliffe | University of Exeter | public | | |
618 | Montane_grassland_FT | Stephni van der Merwe | | public | | |
592 | Mont_Mégantic_Individual_Traits_2016-2017 (link) | Julie Messier | University of Waterloo | public | | |
578 | Moravcova-Pysek Reproductive traits of neophyte in the Czech Republic | Petr Pysek | Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
671 | Morton Arboretum Experimental Prairie traitset 1, 2019 | Andrew Hipp | The Morton Arboretum | public | | |
639 | Mt Baldy seed traits | Courtenay Ray | Arizona State University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
517 | Mt Baldy whole plant traits | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
189 | Mycorrhiza Database | Ian Dickie | Lincoln University | public | | |
445 | Mycorrhizal Association Database | Gijsbert Werner | University of Oxford | public | | |
162 | Mycorrhizal Intensity Database Across the Former Soviet Union | Nadia Soudzilovskaia | Hasselt University | public | | |
575 | Myricaria germanica | Tommaso Sitzia | University of Padova | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
64 | Neotropical Plant Traits Database | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
470 | Neotropical woody plants functional trait database | Bruno Pinho | Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFP | public | | |
98 | New South Wales Plant Traits Database | Michelle Leishman | Macquarie University | public | | |
133 | New York Old Field Plant Traits Database | Andrew Siefert | Syracuse University | public | | |
573 | New Zealand Alpine Granite Leaf Nutrient Concentrations | Sarah Richardson | Landcare Research | public | | |
571 | New Zealand Bark Thickness | Sarah Richardson | Landcare Research | public | | |
572 | New Zealand Nothofagus leaf and stem traits | Sarah Richardson | Landcare Research | public | | |
256 | Niwot Alpine Plant Traits | Marko Spasojevic | University of California Riverside | public | | |
451 | NodDB - a global database of plants with root-symbiotic nitrogen fixation | Leho Tedersoo | | public | | |
296 | Northern mixed-grass prairie species traits - Wyoming, USA | Dana Blumenthal | USDA-ARS | public | | |
240 | Nutrient Resorption Efficiency Database | Robert Jackson | | public | | |
505 | Nyungwe_Rwanda | Marijn Bauters | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
536 | NZ kettehole plant traits | Daniel Laughlin | University of Wyoming | public | | |
538 | NZ tree traits | Daniel Laughlin | University of Wyoming | public | | |
647 | Observation of Ginkgo tree morphological difference | Daijun Liu | University of Birmingham | public | | |
353 | Old fields of Eastern US (Siefert Data) | Luka Negoita | Syracuse University | public | | |
371 | Olive Lawn Orchid Trait Database (OLO) | Bruno E. L. Cerabolini | University of Insubria | public | | |
638 | Olson et al AnnBot 2018 Corners Rules | Mark E. Olson | | public | | |
640 | Olson et al EcoLett Vessel diameter scaling | Mark E. Olson | | public | | |
708 | Olson et al. 2020 Ecological Monographs vessel diameter-plant height scaling | Mark E. Olson | | public | | |
635 | Olson PNAS 2018 | Mark E. Olson | | public | | |
410 | Onoda 2017 leaf dataset | Yusuke Onoda | Kyushu University | public | | |
188 | Orchid Trait Dataset | Yael Kisel | Independent Researcher | public | | |
65 | Overton/Wright New Zealand Database | Ian Wright | Macquarie University | public | | |
415 | Ozark glade grassland plants (link) | Jesse Miller | UC Davis | public | | |
418 | Ozark Tree leaf traits | Marko Spasojevic | University of California Riverside | public | | |
440 | P50R - A global P50 & Resprouting Database (link) | Juli Pausas | Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación | public | | |
771 | Palms_individual_measurements_2021 (link) | W. Daniel Kissling | University of Amsterdam | public | | |
540 | PalmTraits_1.0 | W. Daniel Kissling | University of Amsterdam | public | | |
113 | Panama Leaf Traits Database | Julie Messier | University of Waterloo | public | | |
112 | Panama Plant Traits Database | S. Joseph Wright | Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute | public | | |
230 | Panama Tree Traits | Dylan Craven | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
384 | Panama wood anatomy | Peter Hietz | | public | | |
767 | panicum virgatum common garden nocturnal stomatal conductance | Jeff Chieppa | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
531 | ParacouITV | Sylvain Schmitt | Bordeaux University | public | | |
641 | ParanaTrees2015 | Federico Brumnich | CONICET + FICH-UNL | public | | |
628 | Peel Forest New Zealand Sycamore dataset | Mason Heberling | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | public | | |
201 | Phalaris Arundinacea Genotypes | Jane Molofsky | University of Vermont | public | | |
761 | Philippines wood density data (link) | Sharif Mukul | University of the Sunshine Coast | public | | |
102 | Photosynthesis and Leaf Characteristics Database | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
385 | Photosynthesis Temperature Response Panama (link) | Martijn Slot | | public | | |
101 | Photosynthesis Traits Database | Dennis Baldocchi | University of California | public | | |
342 | Photosynthesis Traits Worldwide (link) | Vincent Maire | UQTR | public | | |
248 | Photosynthesis Type Database | Hendrik Poorter | Forschungszentrum Jülich | public | | |
278 | Photosynthetic Capacity Dataset | Patrick Meir | | public | | |
332 | Photosynthetic parameters, respiration and leaf traits of a Peruvian tropical montane cloud forest | Marjan van de Weg | | public | | |
520 | Pinnacle Reserve, ACT | Andrew OReilly-Nugent | University of Canberra | public | | |
489 | Pladias: Ellenberg-type indicator values for the Czech flora (link) | Milan Chytry | Masaryk University | public | | |
516 | Pladias: Flowering time of the Czech flora (link) | Zdenìk Kaplan | Institute of Botany, Czech Academy of Sc | public | | |
500 | Pladias: Life forms and heights of the Czech flora (link) | Jiøí Danihelka | Masaryk University, Brno | public | | |
272 | Plant Coastal Dune Traits (France, Aquitaine) | Estelle Forey | laboratoire ECODIV | public | | |
215 | Plant Functional Traits From the Province of Almeria (Spain) | Alexia Totte | Université Libre de Bruxelles | public | | |
170 | Plant Functional Traits of Arid Steppes in Eastern Morocco (ECWP-Morocco) | Cedric Frenette-Dussault | Géopole de l'Université de Sherbrooke | public | | |
717 | Plant functional traits.SLA;Chlorophyll a, b;Carotenoids. Green house at Botanical garden of the Sam | Nikolai Yankov | Samara University | public | | |
757 | Plant growth form and resprouting capacity for mediterranean species | Vasco Silva | University of Lisbon | public | | |
380 | Plant growth form dataset for the New World (link) | Kristine Engemann | Aarhus University | public | | |
122 | Plant Habit Database | Cyrille Violle | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | public | | |
654 | Plant height of Mediterranean herb layer communities, Sardinia, Italy | Erika Bazzato | University of Cagliari | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
197 | Plant Hydraulic Traits | Stefano Manzoni | Stockholm University | public | | |
97 | Plant Physiology Database | Owen Atkin | Australian National University | public | | |
364 | Plant species high elevation dataset | Christien Steyn | University of Pretoria | public | | |
663 | Plant three traits (SLA,LA, Height) of 14 plots in Easten Tibetan subalpine meadow | Xine Li | Yangzhou Universit | public | | |
271 | Plant Trait Database from Bajo Calima Region (Buenaventura, Colombia) | Fernando Fernández-Méndez | Universidad del Tolima | public | | |
273 | Plant Trait Database in East and South-East Asia | Fumito Koike | Yokohama National University | public | | |
442 | Plant Trait Dataset for Tree-Like Growth Forms (link) | Arthur Vinicius Rodrigues | Universidade de Blumenau–FURB | public | | |
518 | Plant traits along NPK gradients | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
163 | Plant Traits for Grassland Species (Konza Prairie, Kansas, USA) | Joseph Craine | Jonah Ventures | public | | |
193 | Plant Traits for Pinus and Juniperus Forests in Arizona | Daniel Laughlin | University of Wyoming | public | | |
329 | Plant traits from alpine plants on Mt. Malaya Khatipara | Nadia Soudzilovskaia | Hasselt University | public | | |
308 | Plant traits from Andorra | Benjamin Komac | Institut d Estudis Andorrans | public | | |
158 | Plant Traits from Circeo National Park, Italy | Sabina Burrascano | University of Rome La Sapienza | public | | |
306 | Plant traits from Costa Rica | Karen Holl | University of California, Santa Cruz | public | | |
319 | Plant Traits from Fynbos Forests in the Cape Region | Renske Onstein | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
298 | Plant traits from Greby, Oeland, Sweden | Hans Henrik Bruun | University of Copenhagen | public | | |
366 | Plant Traits from LTER Matsch (Mazia), Italy | Veronika Fontana | Eurac | public | | |
203 | Plant Traits from Romania | Kinga Öllerer | Institute of Biology Bucharest, Romanian Academy | public | | |
275 | Plant Traits From Spanish Mediteranean shrublands | Nicolas Gross | INRAE | public | | |
335 | Plant traits from Wisconsin, USA | Evan Weiher | University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire | public | | |
100 | Plant Traits in Pollution Gradients Database | Madhur Anand | University of Guelph | public | | |
270 | Plant Traits of Acidic Grasslands in Central Spain | Begoña Peco | | public | | |
359 | Plant traits of Arabidopsis thaliana | Benjamin Blonder | University of California Berkeley | public | | |
156 | Plant Traits of Canadian Forests | Benjamin Bond-Lamberty | Joint Global Change Research Institute | public | | |
603 | Plant traits of granite outcrops’ vegetation of Southwestern Australia | Gianluigi Ottaviani | Institute of Botany, CAS | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
309 | Plant traits of grassland species | Kim La Pierre | | public | | |
218 | Plant Traits, Virginia, USA | Betsy von Holle | University of Central Florida | public | | |
178 | PLANTATT - Attributes of British and Irish Plants (link) | Biological Records Centre (BRC) | Centre of Ecology and Hydrology | public | | |
552 | Plants of the Experimental forest of the Botanical Garden Institute FEB RAS (Vladivostok, Russia) | Kirill Korznikov | Botanical Garden-Insitute FEB RAS | public | | |
92 | PLANTSdata USDA (link) | Walton Green | Harvard University | public | | |
494 | Poblet Ecophysiogology | Víctor Resco de Dios | University of Lleida | public | | |
497 | Prades-Penuelas (link) | Josep Peñuelas | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
733 | Proteaceae_traits (link) | Renske Onstein | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
580 | Pyrenean Alpine Plant Traits | Estela Illa | University of Barcelona | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
125 | Quercus Leaf C&N Database | Benjamin Yguel | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | public | | |
768 | Quintinia | Yohan Pillon | IRD | public | | |
196 | Rainfor Leaf Shape, Driptip, Compoundness and Size Database | Ana Malhado | UFAL - Universidade Federal de Alagoas | public | | |
587 | Raja Ampat tree dataset | Julian Schrader | | public | | |
750 | Raw Data João Paulo de Souza | João Paulo Souza | Federal University of Viçosa | public | | |
462 | RBGKew Palm leaf traits | Thaise Emilio | UNESP | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
541 | Rede Amazônia Sustentável | Joseph Hawes | Anglia Ruskin University | public | | |
396 | Rehabilitating Coastal dune forest | Victor Rolo Romero | Mendel University | public | | |
35 | Reich-Oleksyn Global Leaf N, P Database | Peter Reich | University of Minnesota | public | | |
725 | Reliability of leaf functional traits after delayed measurements | Amit Chawla | CSIR-IHBT | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
713 | Reliable herbarium-derived proxies for three functional traits | Timothy Perez | Florida International University | public | | |
208 | Response of Tree Growth to Light and Size, Barro Colorado Island, Panama | Nadja Rueger | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
283 | Response of Tree Mortality to Light, Size and Past Growth, Barro Colorado Island, Panama | Nadja Rueger | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
284 | Response of Tree Recruitment to Light, Barro Colorado Island, Panama | Nadja Rueger | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
746 | RespTempOz database | Owen Atkin | Australian National University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
731 | Rhamnaceae_traits (link) | Renske Onstein | German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) | public | | |
390 | Rhododendron leaf and root economics traits | Juliana Medeiros | The Holden Arboretum | public | | |
446 | Ring-width dataset of dead and living trees | Maxime Cailleret | WSL Birmensdorf | public | | |
706 | riparian forb traits W-Europe | Kenny Helsen | University of Leuven | public | | |
323 | Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory WSR/gradient plant traits | Quentin Read | USDA Agricultural Research Service | public | | |
325 | Rollinson DBH | Emily Rollinson | East Stroudsburg University | public | | |
328 | Root Traits of Grassland Species | Stuart William Smith | Nanyang Technological University, Singapore | public | | |
10 | Roots Of the World (ROW) Database | Joseph Craine | Jonah Ventures | public | | |
637 | Rosell_Olson_Self_Non self_VD_scaling | Mark E. Olson | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
675 | Salguero-Gomez Cistus albidus 2019 | Rob Salguero-Gomez | Oxford | public | | |
764 | Salix richardsonii biomass, canopy height, carbon and nitrogen content (link) | Andrew Cunliffe | University of Exeter | public | | |
223 | San Lorenzo Epiphyte Leaf Traits Database | Gerhard Zotz | University of Oldenburg | public | | |
607 | Sardinia_elevation gradient | Michela Marignani | University of Cagliari | public | | |
487 | Sasa kurilensis | Daniel Winkler | University of California, Merced | public | | |
265 | Saskatchewan Plant Trait Database | Eric Lamb | University of Saskatchewan | public | | |
681 | Scalon bark traits | Marina Scalon | | public | | |
530 | Seasonal gas exchange photoperiod Quercus spp. | Elena Granda | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
171 | Seed Characteristics of Ericaceae | Jaime Fagundez | | public | | |
119 | Seed Information Database (SID) Seed Mass 2010 (link) | Udayangani Liu | Kew | public | | |
565 | Seed Information Database, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (link) | Udayangani Liu | Kew | public | | |
268 | Seed Longevity of European Early Successional Species | Harald Albrecht | Technische Universitaet Muenchen | public | | |
434 | Seed mass and nutrient concentration in Grevillea and Hakea species | Tianhua He | | public | | |
219 | Seed Mass from Literature | Zhonglei Wang | Michigan State University | public | | |
409 | Seed trait data from Neuschulz et al. 2016 Sci REp. | Eike Lena Neuschulz | Senckenberg BiK-F | public | | |
395 | Senckenberg leaf venation data of West African Plants | Julio Schneider | Senckenberg Research Institute and Natur | public | | |
609 | SERC-PREMIS Leaf Trait Dataset | Lillie Haddock | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory | public | | |
597 | shade (for TRY)_mvk | Mark van Kleunen | Universität Konstanz | public | | |
72 | Sheffield & Spain Woody Database | Johannes Cornelissen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
37 | Sheffield Database | Johannes Cornelissen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | public | | |
86 | Sheffield-Iran-Spain Database | Sandra Díaz | Universidad Nacional de Cordoba | public | | |
419 | Sherbrooke | Yuanzhi Li | | public | | |
314 | Shoot dry mass of annual grassland species | Zia Mehrabi | University of Oxford | public | | |
322 | Shoot N/P stoichiometry of Inner Mongolia grassland species | Qiang Yu | Chinese Academy of Sciences | public | | |
294 | Siberian shrub allometry | Logan Berner | Northern Arizona University | public | | |
752 | Silicon response to nutrient limitation | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
534 | Silva el al. 2019 | Vasco Silva | University of Lisbon | public | | |
711 | Silva et al., 2020 (link) | Vasco Silva | University of Lisbon | public | | |
659 | Sjöman-Hirons Leaf Turgor Loss with Osmotic Potential at Full Turgor | Andrew Hirons | University Center Myerscough | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
523 | SLA and height data of exotic plant species in highland forest of Java and Bali | Decky Indrawan Junaedi | Cibodas Botanical Gardens - LIPI | public | | |
160 | SLA and LDMC for Canadian Wetland Species | Chaeho Byun | Andong National University | restricted | 2019-03-26 | |
651 | SLA data La Palma 2019 (SLA project) | Anke Jentsch | University of Bayreuth | public | | |
542 | Smilax auriculata nonstructural carbohydrates under-ground | Milton Diaz | University of Florida | public | | |
598 | Soft traits of the Northern Swan Coastal Plain and Geraldton Sandplain kwongan vegetation, Western A | James Tsakalos | UWA | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
558 | Sonnier&Boughton_ABS | gregory sonnier | Mac Arthur Agro-Ecology Research center | public | | |
47 | South African Woody Plants Database (ZLTP) | William Bond | University of Cape Town | public | | |
382 | Species able to reproduce after fire in a Brazilian Savanna | Aelton Giroldo | | public | | |
383 | Species and trait shifts in Apennine grasslands | Eleonora Giarrizzo | Sapienza University of Rome | public | | |
471 | Species Growth Forms (Angiosperms)-Update 9 | Serge Sheremetev | Komarov Botanical Institute | public | | |
665 | Species patch metrics | Tommaso Sitzia | University of Padova | public | | |
677 | Specific leaf area of Dodonaea viscosa along an elevational gradient in South Australia | Zdravko Baruch | University of Adelaide | public | | |
679 | Specific leaf area of Dodonaea viscosa along an latitudinal gradient in Australia | Zdravko Baruch | University of Adelaide | public | | |
301 | Specific leaf area responses to environmental gradients through space and time | John Dwyer | The University of Queensland | public | | |
343 | Sphagnum tissue CNP | Bjorn Robroek | University of Southampton | public | | |
674 | Staples et al Australian Reforestation Tree Database | Timothy Staples | University of Queensland | public | | |
740 | Stem hydraulic and anatomical properties of Malagasy Magnoliids | Amy Ny Aina ARITSARA | Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques | public | | |
699 | Stem, dispersal and growth traits of plants from Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania | David Schellenberger Costa | Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena | public | | |
379 | Stomatal conductance photosynthesis, soil water content & survival along a water stress experiment | Michaël Belluau | Université de Sherbrooke | public | | |
311 | Structural and biochemical leaf traits of boreal tree species in Finland | Petr Lukes | CzechGlobe | public | | |
619 | sub-Antarctic_tundra_FT | Stephni van der Merwe | | public | | |
569 | SW Michigan restored prairies (link) | Chad Zirbel | | public | | |
519 | SwissNationalPark_Engadine (link) | Christian Rossi | University of Zurich | public | | |
444 | Symbiotic N2-Fixation Database (link) | Gijsbert Werner | University of Oxford | public | | |
739 | Symphonia seedling reciprocal transplantation experiment | Niklas Tysklind | INRA | public | | |
611 | Temperate tree species in New Jersey USA | Anping Chen | Colorado State University | public | | |
546 | Tene_Traits | Bruno Herault | CIRAD | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
721 | TERN_ATN traits database | ning dong | | restricted | | |
605 | Terrestrial Mediterranean Orchids Functional Traits | Michele Lussu | University of Cagliari, DISVA | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
555 | Teshio grassland plant traits | Akira Mori | | public | | |
129 | The Americas N&P database (link) | Brian Enquist | University of Arizona | public | | |
269 | The Bridge Database (link) | Chris Baraloto | Florida International University | public | | |
443 | The China Plant Trait Database (link) | Han Wang | | public | | |
108 | The DIRECT Plant Trait Database | Peter Manning | | public | | |
68 | The Functional Ecology of Trees (FET) Database - Jena | Christian Wirth | University of Leipzig | public | | |
412 | The Global Leaf Traits | Serge Sheremetev | Komarov Botanical Institute | public | | |
25 | The LEDA Traitbase (link) | Michael Kleyer | University of Oldenburg | public | | |
116 | The Netherlands Plant Height Database | Wim Ozinga | Alterra | public | | |
88 | The Netherlands Plant Traits Database | Jenny Ordonez | Wageningen University | public | | |
770 | The Photosynthetic Pathways of Plant Species surveyed in Australia at TERN Ecosystem Surveillance Pl (link) | Samantha Munroe | University of Adelaide | public | | |
34 | The RAINFOR Plant Trait Database | Jon Lloyd | James Cook University | public | | |
95 | The Tansley Review LMA Database | Hendrik Poorter | Forschungszentrum Jülich | public | | |
45 | The VISTA Plant Trait Database | Eric Garnier | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) | public | | |
251 | The Xylem/Phloem Database (link) | Fritz Schweingruber | | public | | |
539 | Thermo-Mediterranean species along Greece | Chrysanthi Michelaki | University of the Aegean | public | | |
662 | Thom 2019 | Dominik Thom | University of Vermont | public | | |
426 | Ti Tree | Rachael Nolan | Western Sydney University | public | | |
625 | Tng et al 2013 Traits | David Tng | James Cook University | public | | |
292 | TOPIC (Traits of Plants in Canada) | Isabelle Aubin | Canadian Forest Service | public | | |
492 | Torres-Ruiz | Jose M. Torres-Ruiz | | public | | |
428 | Trait and biomass data 2014 and 2015 of the BE_LOW project | Helge Bruelheide | Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg | public | | |
350 | Trait Data for African Plants - a Photo Guide | Marco Schmidt | Palmengarten | public | | |
370 | Trait Data from Niwot Ridge LTER (2016) | Adam Chmurzynski | Arizona State University | public | | |
599 | Trait data Pibiri - Masha van der Sande | Masha van der Sande | | public | | |
456 | Trait-responses of Impatiens species to light and nutrients | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
429 | TraitDunes | Alicia T.R. Acosta | Università di Roma Tre | public | | |
369 | Traits and ecological strategies of 66 subtropical tree species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (link) | Alexandre Souza | | public | | |
472 | Traits data for plant species from Western Australia | Tianhua He | | public | | |
216 | Traits for Common Grasses and Herbs in Spain | Fernando Valladares | Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales CSIC | public | | |
168 | Traits for Herbaceous Species from Andorra | Clara Pladevall | Institut d'Estudis Andorrans | public | | |
169 | Traits for Submerged Species (Aquatic Macrophytes) | Matthew Dunkle | University of Montana | public | | |
302 | Traits from Semi-Arid Mediterranean Ecosystems | Daniel Flynn | | public | | |
105 | Traits from Subarctic Plant Species Database | Gregoire Freschet | CNRS | public | | |
202 | Traits from the Wildfire Project | Marco Moretti | Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL | public | | |
574 | Traits of 48 native and alien Asteraceae in Germany (common-garden experiment) | Christine Sheppard | University of Hohenheim | public | | |
347 | Traits of 59 grassland species | Alexandra Weigelt | University of Leipzig | public | | |
547 | Traits of Alpine species in GLORIA regions Hochschwab, Schrankogel, Majella and Lefka Ori | Klaus Steinbauer | GLORIA | public | | |
52 | Traits of Bornean Trees Database | Hiroko Kurokawa | Tohoku University | public | | |
374 | Traits of fertile (spore bearing) leaves of rainforest ferns from El Verde Field, Puerto Rico | Joanne Sharpe | | public | | |
247 | Traits of Halohytic Species in North-West-Germany | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
290 | Traits of halophytic species | Vanessa Minden | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | public | | |
166 | Traits of Hemiparastic Plants | Andreas Demey | Ghent University | public | | |
317 | Traits of Hypochaeris radicata under shade and drought conditions | Rachel Mitchell | University of Washington | public | | |
629 | Traits of Plants in Canada (TOPIC) | Isabelle Aubin | Canadian Forest Service | public | | |
297 | Traits of Polygonum viviparum L. | Florian Boucher | Institute of Systematic Botany | public | | |
331 | Traits of savannah trees in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Game reserve, South Africa | Fons van der Plas | University of Bern | public | | |
375 | Traits of sterile (non-spore bearing) leaves of rainforest ferns from El Verde Field, Puerto Rico | Joanne Sharpe | | public | | |
312 | Traits of temperate rainforest tree seedlings from New Zealand | Chris Lusk | University of Waikato | public | | |
378 | Traits of the Hungarian flora | Anikó Csecserits | Hungarian Academy of Science, Centre for Ecologica | public | | |
330 | Traits of Ukraine native and invasive plant species | Peter van Bodegom | Leiden University | public | | |
608 | Traits of understory plants of western Canadian forest | Tanvir Ahmed Shovon | University of Regina | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
668 | Traits of urban species from Ibagué Colombia | Fernando Fernández-Méndez | Universidad del Tolima | public | | |
159 | Traits of US Desert Woody Plant Species | Bradley Butterfield | University of California | public | | |
584 | Traits of Woody Plants in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, South Africa | Simon D. Schowanek | Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity, Departm | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
299 | Traits related to riparian plant invasion in South East Australia | Jane Catford | Kings College London | public | | |
594 | Traits_Arum_pictum_Farris_UNISS | Emmanuele Farris | University of Sassari | public | | |
337 | Tree Anatomy China | Jingming Zheng | Beijing Forestry University | public | | |
365 | Tree of sex: a database of sexual systems (link) | Sarah Otto | | public | | |
367 | Tree species functional traits from Dinghushan Biosphere Reserve, southern China | Pengcheng He | | public | | |
49 | Tree Tolerance Database (link) | Ülo Niinemets | Estonian University of Life Sciences | public | | |
634 | Trillium Trail Forest Wildflower Carbon Gain Phenology | Mason Heberling | Carnegie Museum of Natural History | public | | |
231 | TROBIT West Africa | Tomas Domingues | | public | | |
697 | Tropical dry forest species traits | Moisés Méndez Toribio | Instituto de Ecología, A.C. | public | | |
51 | Tropical Plant Traits From Borneo Database | Emily Swaine | Science and Technology Facilities Council | public | | |
33 | Tropical Rainforest Traits Database | Lourens Poorter | Wageningen University | public | | |
120 | Tropical Respiration Database (link) | Jeffrey Chambers | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | public | | |
99 | Tropical Traits from West Java Database | Satomi Shiodera | Hokkaido University | public | | |
695 | Tropical tree seedling above and below ground traits | Coline Boonman | Wageningen University | public | | |
460 | TRY Categorical Traits Dataset (update 2018) | Angela Guenther | Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry | public | | |
621 | TRY_Metasequoia glyptostroboides_Shanghai_China | Ji Zheng | Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Agricultur | public | | |
73 | Tundra Plant Traits Database | F Stuart Chapin III | University of Alaska Fairbanks | public | | |
724 | Tundra Tazovsky | Ramona Heim | University of Münster, ILÖK | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
468 | Tundra Trait Team | Anne Bjorkman | University of British Columbia | public | | |
690 | ualea grandiflora - morphofunctional database | Thais Pfeilsticker | UFMG | public | | |
595 | UFPR Atlantic Forest Tree Traits | Marcos Carlucci | Universidade Federal do Paraná | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
682 | UFPR_succession_traits | Márcia Marques | Universidade Federal do Parana | cur. na | | | |
90 | Ukraine Wetlands Plant Traits Database | Peter van Bodegom | Leiden University | public | | |
707 | Under-ground Carbohydrate Stores and Storage Organs in Fire-Maintained Longleaf Pine Savannas in Flo | Milton Diaz | University of Florida | public | | |
532 | UppangalaTraits | Sylvain Schmitt | Bordeaux University | public | | |
642 | USA-China Biodiversity (USA samples) | Jeremy Lichstein | University of Florida | public | | |
556 | Utanai forest tree traits | Akira Mori | | public | | |
277 | UV-B Radiation Sensitivity of Hieracium Pilosella | Michael Beckmann | BTU Cottbus-Senckenberg | public | | |
43 | VegClass CBM Global Database (link) | Andy Gillison | Center for Biodiversity Management | cur. na | | | |
760 | Vegetation states from intensively monitored crop sites in western Germany | Tim Reichenau | University of Cologne | public | | |
123 | VirtualForests Trait Database | Alvaro G. Gutierrez | Universidad Austral de Chile | public | | |
673 | Wagenführ Woodatlas | Steven Jansen | Ulm University | public | | |
630 | Watkins, Sjoman and Hitchmough CSR ordination of trees | Harry Watkins | University of Sheffield | public | | |
493 | Weiqi-Sardans-Penuelas-China-plants (link) | Josep Peñuelas | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
461 | Western Pamirs | Kim André Vanselow | Geography, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg | public | | |
56 | Wetland Dunes Database | Peter van Bodegom | Leiden University | public | | |
199 | Whole Plant Hydraulic Conductance | Maurizio Mencuccini | | public | | |
406 | Whole plant traits and leaf traits of four grassland species in Central Apennines (Italy) | Giandiego Campetella | | public | | |
676 | whole-tree respiration inculding roots from seedlings to giant trees | Shigeta Mori | Yamagata University | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
596 | Wood anatomy and wood density - Australia | Kasia Ziemińska | | public | | |
755 | Wood carbon concentrations in dead wood | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
313 | Wood carbon content database | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
433 | Wood carbon database | Adam Martin | University of Toronto | public | | |
762 | Wood functional traits at different stem-sizes | Andres Gonzalez-Melo | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
368 | Wood traits of trees and lianas from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest | Arildo Dias | | public | | |
475 | Woody plant traits from southeast Queensland, Australia | James McCarthy | Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research | public | | |
241 | Xylem Functional Traits (XFT) Database | Steven Jansen | Ulm University | public | | |
187 | Xylem Functional Traits (XFT) Database: Nature Subset | Steven Jansen | Ulm University | public | | |
398 | Yangambi (DR Congo) tropical forest tree traits | Kim Jacobsen | Ghent University | public | | |
502 | Yangambi arboretum | Marijn Bauters | | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
615 | Yarramundi species trait data | Sally Power | Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment | restricted | 2022-10-13 | |
459 | Yasuni Ecuador Leaf Drought Tolerance and Mechanical Toughness | Ian McFadden | University of California, Los Angeles | public | | |
465 | Yasuni Ecuador Leaf ITV | Ian McFadden | University of California, Los Angeles | public | | |
190 | Yasuni Ecuador Leaves | Nathan Kraft | University of California Los Angeles | public | | |
413 | Zanne et al. Global wood density database. | Lopez-Gonzalez | | public | | |