If you've found this web site useful or would like to send any comment on the TRY initiative please e-mail us or provide feedback in the forum below. We'd like to know how the TRY website is being used.
If you have cited the TRY initiative in a publication, please send us that reference. This will help to document that the TRY initiative has value, and will help if / when we look for additional funding.
Jasper Maack on 2025-03-25 13:37:26 | Dear TRY team,
do any of the traits contain information on leaf silica/phytolith content?
Thank you.
Jean-Francois Leon on 2025-03-21 16:59:00 | Dear TRY team.
I downloaded SLA for Cupressus sempervirens. I got somes values but the reference given didnt mention that species.
How can I get the right reference. Thanks |
Jens Kattge on 2025-03-19 08:20:26 | Dear Jasper Maack - unfortunately, it is impossible to make the traits available without the information provided in the rows without TraitName and TraitID. These rows provide the auxiliary information necessary to understand and interpret the traits - as pointed out in the file TRY_6.0_Data_Release_Notes.pdf released with the data. You can use the R package rtry to manage the data released from TRY and eliminate the rows with auxiliary data. |
Jasper Maack on 2025-03-18 14:56:35 | Dear TRY team, I have requested date for 2 specific traits, which should result in a table of ~50k rows, twice in a row. Both times I received a file with more than 1.4 million rows that included a vast amount of traits I did not request, all of which had no trait ID. Is it possible to get a table which only includes the two traits I need? The request IDs were 39888 and 39828. Thanks in advance! |
Jens Kattge on 2025-03-18 13:39:24 | Dear Xiangzheng Yinxangzheng - you can obtain data for traits such as leaf area, specific leaf area, and leaf dry matter content for one or dozens of plants at the same time; you just need to request the traits (and potentially select the species) of interest when you prepare the request. If the data are available in TRY, they will be released. The ObservationID will tell you if the data were measured on the same leaf. |
xiangzheng yinxangzheng on 2025-03-17 13:58:59 | Why cant we obtain very accurate data such as leaf area, specific leaf area, and leaf dry matter content for one or dozens of plants at the same time? |
Jens Kattge on 2025-03-09 08:41:46 | Dear Lily Xia, you requested "restricted data", which means you received the public and the restricted data for which the dataset custodians gave permission. Therefore, probably not all data you received for "pollination syndrome" are restricted. However, given the relatively small amount of data used and the relatively small contribution to your paper, I think it is sufficient to cite the general and the original references. With best wishes, Jens |
Lily xia on 2025-02-27 13:22:14 | Dear TRY team, I downloaded the trait "pollination syndrome" to check the pollination type of my 80 studied species. This information will be included in a supplementary table as a reference for a minor point in the discussion, rather than being a central part of my study. I noticed that this dataset is under restricted access, and I wanted to confirm whether I need to send invitations for co-authorship? or citing original references? My request ID was 37306 |
Jens Kattge on 2025-02-26 07:58:26 | Dear Jelyn, my congratulations, and thank you very much for reporting your publication. I have adjusted the format. Cheers, Jens |
Jelyn Gerkema on 2025-02-20 13:46:20 | Dear TRY team, I recently reported my publication and entered the reference in BibTeX format, assuming it would be reformatted later to match the reference list style. However, I noticed that it remains in BibTeX format in the list. Is there a way for me to correct this? My apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your help! |
chansopheaktra sovann on 2024-12-06 15:10:56 | Dear TRY Team, Thank you for providing the plant trait database to support my publication. Best regards, Pheaktra |
Jens Kattge on 2024-10-15 08:12:00 | Dear Marie-Laure, thank you very much for the feedback and for indicating these potential problems. Currently, I am on holiday, but I will look at these issues when I return to the office next week. Many thanks! |
Jens Kattge on 2024-10-15 08:04:38 | Dear Sonia, thank you very much for your note. According to our system, the dataset was not uploaded - therefore, you did not receive a confirmation. Could you please send me the dataset via Email? I am very sorry for the problem. |
Sonia Palacios on 2024-10-13 19:36:59 | Dear TRY Team, I uploaded a DataSet but did not receive any confirmation about that.
soniapalacios@lamolina.edu.pe |
Marie-Laure Mugnier on 2024-10-09 16:58:48 | Dear TRY team,
I am wondering why there are sometimes several traitIDs for the same traitName. For instance, for the name "Plant biomass and allometry: Leaf dry mass per plant" we have IDs 129 and 3441. Can we consider that it is the same trait?
Moreover, trait 3441 had the name "Plant biomass and allometry: Leaf mass (dry or fresh) per plant" in a previous version of TRY (2021). Is there is mistake?
Thanks! |
Jens Kattge on 2024-08-23 09:26:21 | Hello Georgia! Thank you very much for your feedback. Maybe your problem is based on a misunderstanding. I cannot find that you have already requested trait data from TRY in our documentation. So, you may probably have been looking at the Data Explorer on the TRY Website. The Data Explorer does not display trait values or metadata; it just shows the number of records in the database. On the different sites, these are, e.g., specified for individual species or summarised to the number of species characterized for a trait. So, a dispersal syndrome of 1 versus 14 could indicate 1 or 14 records for dispersal syndrome in the database for a given species. To receive the trait records and metadata, you must submit a data request at https://www.try-db.org/TryWeb/Prop0.php. Please let me know if this answers your question. Otherwise, I am happy to provide more explanations, but I would also need more information. With best wishes, Jens. |
Georgia Vasey on 2024-08-19 22:57:36 | Hello! Im having a hard time finding the metadata for the different traits. I queried all of the traits available for species Im studying. For example, what is the difference between a dispersal syndrome of 1 versus 14? Traits Im interested in include dispersal syndrome, leaf type, plant growth form, seed dry mass, and specific leaf area. Thanks for your help. |
Jens Kattge on 2024-07-22 09:42:09 | Dear Urmi, Thank you for contacting us regarding this. All the data you requested are public under a CC BY license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/deed.en). Therefore, depositing the data in a repository in the context of your publication is fine. Just so you know, the only thing relevant is to reference the data appropriately (see below). |
Urmi Poddar on 2024-07-15 23:35:37 | Dear TRY team, I download and used TRY data for one of my studies, and I am about to submit the results of this study for publication. As you probably know, many journals require authors to publicly share the raw data used in their studies. Therefore, I wanted to know what TRYs policy on secondary data sharing is? Specifically, I am allowed to share the raw TRY data I used on another data sharing platform, such as Dryad? If the sharing of raw data is not allowed, are there any restrictions on sharing processed data (i.e. TRY data that has been filtered and summarized by me)? If it matters, my request ID was 25355 and I did not request or use any restricted TRY data. |
Jens Kattge on 2024-06-10 08:45:11 | Dear Jelyn, it would be good to add a list of these references to the appendix (not supplementary material) and cite this appendix in the main text. Global Ecology and Biogeography recommends for citations to data sources:
Some studies (e.g., meta-analyses) use data drawn from multiple published sources. If these sources are not otherwise cited in the main text, they should be listed in one or more appendices with titles similar to the following: “Appendix 1 – Data sources”. These data appendices will be printed in the main paper (so that citation indexing services will capture them), but in a reduced font. These appendices should be cited in the main text (e.g. “A list of the data sources is found in Appendix 1.”). (see https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/page/journal/14668238/homepage/forauthors.html). |
Jelyn Gerkema on 2024-06-07 14:03:53 | Dear TRY team, I have used quite a large portion of the TRY database (27 traits and all available species) to impute missing values and therefore have 383 references that I need to cite. Would it be okay if I refer to these in the supplementary material of the paper instead of in the main text? Kind regards, Jelyn |
Jens Kattge on 2024-05-21 16:03:35 | Dear Xu Dexiang, According to our internal documentation, your requests number 33774, 33776, 33777, 33779, and 33780 have been successfully submitted. However, you are asking for public and restricted data. In this case, it takes two weeks to get agreement from owners of the restricted datasets. Therefore, from my point of view, everything looks fine. With best wishes, Jens |
Xu Dexiang on 2024-05-20 04:53:33 | Hello, dear TRY team, we still unable enter the species choices normally, I sent an e-mail to Prof. Katte and Prof. Boenisch. The attachment contains the trait selection we hope to obtain, sincerely hope to receive your reply, thank you so much. Wish you all the best. |
Jens Kattge on 2024-05-17 09:06:29 | Hello Xu Dexiang, Im sorry for the problems. Please try again. I think it should work. Please let us know if the problem persists. |
Xu Dexiang on 2024-05-15 15:47:57 | Hello, dear TRY team, we are trying to applying for some traits data, after we made the trait selection, we selected continue without species list, because we want to collect as many species as possible and then the continue screen kept getting stuck, and then it came up with with the error: "The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request". These data are very important to us, and we hope to get your help, looking forward to getting your suggestion and help, thank you so much! |
Nelly Bergounhon on 2024-04-26 11:28:51 | Hello,
Dear TRY team,
I am slightly confused on the nature of data found in the "frost hardiness database". I cant understand if the values are about buds or leaves. I am also slightly confused by the meaning of "maximum", "high", "low" in the ValueKindName column. Do "maximum" and "high" refer to the the temperature at which 100% of the buds die ? Does "low" refer to the temperature at which mortality start to be observed ?
Thank you for any help you can provide,
Nelly Bergounhon |
xianghua li on 2024-04-12 09:03:40 | Hello, Dear TRY team, this is regarding the last question we asked, we found out that it was caused by our operation problem and it has been solved. We apologise if this caused you any distress and thank you. |
xianghua li on 2024-04-11 05:57:08 | Dear TRY team, Hello, we applied for some open data of species and traits, which has been approved, but clicking on the final data download link does not open, and attempts to change several computers and networks failed, with the error: "The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server. The proxy server could not handle the request". These data are very important to us, and we hope to get your help, thank you!
Jens Kattge on 2024-04-04 16:04:59 | Hello, Emmy. Please send me the file with the dataset so I can help you. Jens |
Jens Kattge on 2024-04-04 16:01:59 | Hello Evan, unfortunately, I cannot provide any help with respect to the traits you are looking for. We may have some of these data in the TRY database, but for none of these traits, many. |
Emmy Sköld on 2024-04-04 11:11:36 | Hello Gerhard,
I am doing a meta-analysis for vegetation change after rewetting in peatlands based on functional groups. Therefore,
I have been trying to access species list in regards to trait 815, Root morphological adaptations: aerenchyma. However, when I open the dataset, I do not understand the given information in regards to if the species has an aerenchyma or not. I was wondering if you have any idea of what could be the problem? Thank you for any help you can provide in advance. Emmy |
Evan Peters on 2024-03-18 16:46:12 | Hello Gerhard,
I just came upon the TRY website recently.
I am doing a meta-analysis for Plant based cosmetic ingredients, and am as a result collecting as much data as I can regarding the plant sources of these ingredients.
I was hoping you could point me in the right direction for some of the following values that are of use to me in my modeling of environmental impact:
- cultivation practices; such as farming practices, fertilizer utilization, pesticide use
- industrial yield information: how much fruit/seed/flower is typically harvested per plant or per hectacre etc.
- seed/flower oil content: how much oil can be extracted from the seed or fruit or flower of the plant
Data such as these are not easy to come by.
I have had some good success using the seed information database. But I am hopeful I can get more information from TRY if I focuse my search.
Thank you for any help you can provide.
Evan |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2024-03-14 13:43:46 | Dear Emma - If the outfile contains less than 1 million lines, you can open in Excel as tab delimited text file. If it looks funny after a few lines, something has gone wrong and I personally would start from scratch. All our files are quality controled, so it is rather likely, something happened on your site. |
Emma Underwood on 2024-03-14 13:28:19 | Hello, I have queried and downloaded data for 1 trait (3116) for 15 species. When viewing the txt file downloaded in xls the formatting looks odd below row 29, should I ignore these data? it involves datasets 94, 159 and 249 |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2024-03-12 10:52:14 | Dear Micah - All units we have are included in the output of data requests. You can however not find them in the Data Explorer. Gerhard |
Micah Pavlidis on 2024-03-12 01:07:59 | Dear TRY team,
I have tried to find a description and units for the "Plant reproductive phenology timing" trait, with no luck. Could you please define this trait for me? I am having a hard time interpreting the results of my analysis without knowing the units.
Thanks very much for any help you can provide.
Micah |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-11-17 08:49:46 | Dear Benjamin - you will haveto wait for the next TRY version for the update to be available . But yes, there isa version control |
Benjamin Lewis on 2023-11-16 23:55:30 | Also, is there version control? Say we upload the data but then need to add something later, is that possible? |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-11-16 22:05:48 | Dear Benjamin - after the actual upload you can add the custodian, deputy qnd contributors during the process |
Benjamin Lewis on 2023-11-16 22:02:05 | Hi, Ive been tasked with uploading some data here that a different researcher actually collected. Before proceeding with the upload, I an curious if there is a way to make sure said individual is the one who gets the credit for the data. Thanks. |
Hsiao-Hsuan Chu on 2023-11-08 00:54:16 | Dear Gerhard,
Thank you so much for the help, the settings for request 29702 are correct now.
Many thanks! |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-11-07 10:12:39 | Dear Hsiao - I have removed the second author from ypur request and contacted him, if he had tried to submit a request that got lost. Can you please check the settings of request 29702, if the settings are correct? |
Hsiao-Hsuan Chu on 2023-11-07 01:20:15 | Dear Gerhard,
Request 29702 and coauthor Xueqin Yang.
Many thanks. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-11-06 11:55:00 | Dear Hsiao - which request, which coauthor? |
Hsiao-Hsuan Chu on 2023-11-06 06:22:09 | Dear Try team,
Thank you for the mega effort in creating this database. Over the past week or so, I have been seeing an additional coauthor listed in my request for data. I do not know this author at all and I have no ways of removing them from my request.
Best regards. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-11-01 10:18:15 | Dear Jiajia - you have started the request, but not asked for the data yet. To do so, go to your Request PI Center (from Data Portal, Request on Hold), open and finish it by following the web sites until you do not see a button any more |
Jiajia Zheng on 2023-11-01 10:12:11 | Dear TRY team, I have requested to download these data yesterday (Number: 29733), why the data is not released yet? Please assist me in resolving this issue.
Good luck! |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-10-16 10:47:39 | Dear Samuel - Your dataset is scheduled to be included in the next version of TRY which will be 7. What you see, is only a placeholder. We are currently working on the next version. Sorry it takes so long, but new versions are a lot of work. |
Samuel Flake on 2023-10-13 01:40:30 | Hi Jens and Gerhard, I was just checking on a dataset I uploaded a little bit ago (DatasetID 777), and it looks to be empty on the data custodian center. Is it in fact empty? And is there anything I can do to help get the data back up? Thanks so much!
Sam Flake |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-09-25 12:25:35 | Dear Zhang - How can someone publish data with only AccSpeciesIDs? How long is the list? Can you send it to me by email? I might be able to provide you with the names. |
Zhang Ran on 2023-09-25 11:48:46 | Cause now I have some data from published paper, but this data have only the AccSpeciesID but no species name. I matched the AccSpeciesID from the species list I can download from this website but most of them can not be matched. So I want to know how to get the species list information used in that paper (for TRY 5) |
Zhang Ran on 2023-09-25 11:48:39 | Cause now I have some data from published paper, but this data have only the AccSpeciesID but no species name. I matched the AccSpeciesID from the species list I can download from this website but most of them can not be matched. So I want to know how to get the species list information used in that paper (for TRY 5) |
Zhang Ran on 2023-09-25 11:48:34 | Cause now I have some data from published paper, but this data have only the AccSpeciesID but no species name. I matched the AccSpeciesID from the species list I can download from this website but most of them can not be matched. So I want to know how to get the species list information used in that paper (for TRY 5) |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-09-25 11:35:09 | Dear Zhang - Why do you need the old trait info, if you do not have an old output? If you want data from TRY, simply submit a request. |
Zhang Ran on 2023-09-25 11:29:01 | Thanks for your answer, but how can I have a TRY 5 output? Im really a beginner at this |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-09-25 11:17:02 | Dear Zhang - The TRY 5 species list is no longer available. However, if you have a TRY 5 output, it contains all the species information. |
Zhang Ran on 2023-09-25 11:09:22 | How can I download the species list for TYR.v5.0? Cause the current version 6.0 not match my previous data. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-09-06 11:50:47 | Dear Cameron - Sorry, you must provide a list of species. |
Cameron Guy on 2023-09-06 03:54:51 | Kia ora,
I am working on a tree fern extinction project. I was wondering if it was possible to extract species by their order (i.e., Cyatheales), rather than manually scraping all of the relevant species out in R/from the species list?
Thanks so much
taejun jung on 2023-08-31 05:01:55 | Following the inquiry below....
I would like to know how to find out the meaning of OrigValueStr values not only for Plant nitrogen(N) fixation capacity but also for other traits. |
taejun jung on 2023-08-31 04:58:22 | Thank you so much for preparing the TRY data. I am trying to receive and use various data, but I have a question. For example, in the data for all species of “Plant nitrogen (N) fixation capacity” data (traitID: 8), the values in the “OrigValueStr” column(This column is ultimately the result of “Plant nitrogen(N) fixation capacity”, right?) are not standardized and are composed of various indicators (numbers from “-1 to 2455”, others, “cyan”, “likely_present”, “variables”, etc. There are many different types). Is there any way to find out what these values mean? |
Pan Shengnan on 2023-05-18 09:59:53 | Dear TRY team, I try to download that dataset again, but fail. The web page still display the file cannot be made available. Best wishes |
Jens Kattge on 2023-05-17 12:42:33 | Dear Pan, we had reached space limit on the server. Now we have resolved that problem and it should be possible again to do download the data. Please let us know if you should still encounter problems. With best wishes, Jens |
Pan Shengnan on 2023-05-17 11:52:40 | Dear TRY team, I am very thankful for your amazing database. I cannot download a database named Imputing missing data in plant traits: a guide to improve gap-filling (data). in TRY File Archive, because the web page shows the file cannot be made available. I wonder how I can download this dataset successfully. Best Wishes |
Adam Richard-Bollans on 2023-03-22 10:43:00 | Dear Jens & Gerhard, Thank you both for your clarification of this issue. The reference doesnt appear to mention/link to any Chinese Traits dataset which might contain this information, but I will try to get in touch with the dataset custodian. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-03-22 09:32:44 | Dear Adam - We have to rely on the custodians of the particular dataset that the provided reference is correct. We standardize and compare the data between datasets to make sure the data are reasonable. With about 800 datastes however, we do not have the man power to check each species mentioning in each publication. Please directly contact the dataset custodian on such matters. |
Jens Kattge on 2023-03-22 06:54:06 | Dear Adam, the reference you mentioned links to dataset 236: Chinese Traits (PI Sandy Harrison). This dataset is based on a measurement campaign across northern China and contains data for 46 traits, mostly characterising leaf attributes, among other leaf emergences. |
Adam Richard-Bollans on 2023-03-21 23:15:59 | Dear TRY team, I am slightly confused about a reference given in the dataset. For example, for trait 677 (Leaf emergences (pubescence, pruinescence, hairs, spines, thorns)) there is an entry for Allium senescens from the Chinese Traits dataset. The given reference is "Prentice, I.C., Meng, T., Wang, H., Harrison, S.P., Ni, J., Wang, G., 2011. Evidence for a universal scaling relationship of leaf CO2 drawdown along a moisture gradient. New Phytologist 190: 169-180". However, this reference makes no mention of this species or emergences of leaves. Is this reference incorrect, or am I misinterpreting something?
Cheers, Adam |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-03-07 09:35:43 | Dear Erik - Which request are you talking about? We have too many. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-03-07 09:34:27 | Dear Tao - Due to lack of man power, the species information has not been updated. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2023-03-07 09:33:03 | Dear Sarah - We standardize Lat/Lon and convert it to doubles. I do not understand, if you talk about the Data Explorer or the TRY data output. There are special columns for Lat/Lon in the Data Explorer. The data output is in long table format. Please read the supplied data release notes. |
Tao Zeng on 2023-03-04 08:26:03 | Dear TRY team, I am very grateful for this great database platform, but recently I have encountered a problem. I found that the taxonomic information of some recently submitted species could not be found in the TRY_Categorical_Traits_Lookup_Table_2012_03_17_TestRelease.xlsx released by Categorical traits for the species in the TRY database. I dont know if the species categorical information has not been updated since it was published in 2012, or if I didnt find it. Either way many thanks to the TRY team for their great contribution. Best Regards
Erik Sivan on 2023-02-17 15:29:38 | Dear TRY team, I am very thankful of your database. Today when i submit my data request i cannot find thr record on the Request PI but my email received the request information. I wonder whether i submit my request successfully.
Best Regards |
Sarah Tepler Drobnitch on 2022-12-15 05:51:46 | Dear TRY team,
Thanks so much for supporting this amazing resource. The FET database has many traits Id like to work with, but Im unable to find Lat/Long/Alt data within the dataset. Normally, lat, long, etc. are datanames with strvalues, correct? Im not sure what Im missing. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2022-12-01 09:13:44 | Dear Leonid - There is no interface for this. Send me the information by email please. Include upload and dataset IDs |
Hunter Mackin on 2022-11-30 01:05:19 | Dear TRY Team, I am currently looking to find specific plant traits (particularly 186) to model generalized C3 and C4 grasses. However, Im not quite sure how to filter out all the other non-grass species. I also want to keep a distinction between C3/C4 grasses, but I dont want to introduce bias by choosing only a select few species. Is there an established method to do something like this? |
Leonid Ivanov on 2022-11-28 09:14:13 | Hello! I have published some of my data posted in the database. How and where can I enter publication data? |
Jens Kattge on 2022-08-08 07:08:17 | Dear Eleinis- Many thanks for your comment on the Data on Huber value in TRY. Yes, we would be interested in checking these data in TRY directly. Please contact me for more details!
Eleinis Avila-Lovera on 2022-08-03 00:20:51 | Hello! I really appreciate all you do to maintain this database. I recently downloaded all the publicly available Huber value (HV) data (trait 171), and after inspection of the datasets that have contributed towards HV, I found that many observation values were of leaf area to sapwood area ratio rather than HV. I calculated HV from these data, but fixing the problem within TRY may be suitable. I can provide more details if necessary (my email is eavil009@ucr.edu). |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2022-06-23 17:16:15 | Dear Hongge - Read the Data Release Notes supplied |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2022-06-23 17:15:05 | Dear Wangy - Administration -Edit Registration Data |
Hongge Ren on 2022-06-22 17:11:55 | Dear TRY team, Thank you for this amazing resource. I am a relatively new user. I successfully downloaded data for a given set of trait records for all species which I have already defined in the data explorer. I imported the data into R and got a datafram with 28 columns. However, I also need some properties: 1- have leaf type (broadleaved vs. needle-leaved) and leaf phenology type (deciduous vs. evergreen) for tree species and 2- have information about geo-referenced records. Unfortunately I can find none of these information in description of TRY datasets. Do you have any suggestions to help me? |
Wangy Yanlin on 2022-06-22 04:47:01 | Dear TRY team, when registering an account, some information was incorrectly filled in, how can I correct it? |
Jens Kattge on 2022-05-12 11:11:38 | Dear Vanessa, you cannot change your email address or affiliation on the TRY website. To change your email address and affiliation, please email me (jkattge@bgc-jena.mpg.de), and Ill do this for you. |
Jens Kattge on 2022-05-12 10:13:28 | Dear Miriam, Jiefeng and Moria, we had some problems concerning data releases. However, the issues are resolved, and we are getting back on track. You should have received notice about the release of data for your requests. Please accept our apologies for the delay and inconvenience. |
Moria Robinson on 2022-05-05 22:31:19 | Dear TRY team,
I am having trouble accessing the data associated with my request (20766; requested 4/25). I received an email on 4/29 stating that "The data for request 20766 have been released". I can navigate to the usual download page via the link in the email. However, when I click the "download" link I am directed to "page does not exist", and if I right click/save target as, a .html file is downloaded, not a linked .zip file.
I notice that there is no unique name for the "filename" on the download page. It says "filename: taken". In previous queries to TRY, the download page has shown a unique identifier for the filename, for example "Filename: 20729_22042022204947.zip"
Perhaps a file was overwritten? I really appreciate your time. Thank you. Moria |
Jiefeng Kang on 2022-05-05 11:16:01 | Dear TRY team:
1. I have the same problem as Miriam García (post on 2022-05-03 10:54:52), that I havent got the data for my request (Request No: 20760) submitted on April 25th. Is it because of the holiday season and the sickness of the staff (as announced on the main page)? Or did I do it wrong?
2. I wonder if there is any API or R package to download the trait data? I saw a post (Gerhard Boenisch (UserID: 2, registered on 2012-03-22) on 2020-09-14 09:46:23) that mentioned that users can use R to process the data. But I can not find further details about that.
3. Is the forum like an email list under just one topic? Or I can go for details of each post by clicking it or some other operation? I tried clicking the post on Edge and Safari on a mac and nothing happened.
Thank you for your time.
Kang |
Miriam García on 2022-05-03 10:54:52 | Dear TRY team, I sent out a data request a week ago and have not received a reply so far. I wonder if my operation is wrong or I need to wait. (Request No: 20765) |
Vanessa Minden on 2022-03-04 12:04:25 | Dear TRY team,
I changed university and would like that my new email adress is used in the correspondence with potential data-users. But on the webpage I cannot find where to change my affiliation, can anyone help? Thanks!! |
Culi Tif on 2022-01-13 23:31:54 | Dear TRY team, this is an amazing and extremely useful project. Im a botany hobbyist/citizen scientist and also a web developer. I noticed your website got a 49% on a Lighthouse test for accessibility. I think theres a number of ways to increase the accessibility and presentation of the site and I was wondering if youd be interested in working on improving the design together |
Zijun Ji on 2022-01-07 08:57:50 | Dear TRY team, I am curious about the units of each trait, like the Root rooting depth, the data explorer only provide the numer but without units |
Zijun Ji on 2022-01-07 08:57:50 | Dear TRY team, I am curious about the units of each trait, like the Root rooting depth, the data explorer only provide the numer but without units |
Maria Kunle on 2021-11-23 17:33:17 | Dear TRY, my name is Maria, I am working on my MSc thesis related to the functional traits of plants and I would like to use plant height from the TRY database but I am a little bit confused about the methods used for this or that measurements. In particular, there are:
- 889 Crown (canopy) base height (ground to base)
- 773 Crown (canopy) height (base to top)
- 3107 Plant height generative
- 3106 Plant height vegetative
I am not sure which one I need if I want a height from the ground to the highest point of vegetation (to the very tip of the longest leaf so to say). The traits descriptions are still under construction, is there a place where I can learn how they were measured?
And yeah, while I am at it, I would like to really thank you for creating and supporting this amazing database, I find it more than helpful! |
Rebecca Hsu on 2021-11-18 10:04:06 | Dear TRY team, I am very appreciated that youve managed the database so well, and excited to find useful traits of my desire species. And certainly will contribute my data in the future. However, in the registration form, I found my country Taiwan is listed "province of China". I figured it out the problem was from "ISO 3166-1 name". Maybe you can fix it to "ISO 3166-2 codes", then my fellow scientists would be very grateful. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2021-05-25 11:47:08 | Dear liang ren - Thank you very much for making us aware of this. All temperatures in the file must be multiplied by 10 to be correct. We have updated the file to version 2 with the corrected temperatures. We are really sorry. |
liang ren on 2021-05-21 12:13:48 | Dear TRY team, I may need your help. I am having problems with the attached site data(
TRY File Archive ID:24), the maximum value for Mean Annual Temperature across all sites is only 3°C. I would like to know if I have got the units wrong or is there some other misunderstanding? |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2021-04-20 11:10:07 | Dear Eloise - Where are you missing any units? Please be specific, enter DatesetID or URL. There are no missing units in TRY according to my knowledge. |
Eloïse SAVINI on 2021-04-20 10:56:24 | Hello TRY Team,
Id like to use your awesome database for my studies, but I cannot without scientific units (g, mm, m², etc), and I dont find how to use standardized units. Will a summary table be uploaded soon ? Thank you and have a good day. |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2021-03-10 09:15:44 | Dear An - are you talking about the Data Explorer or the output for requests? Please indicate! |
Gerhard Boenisch on 2021-03-10 09:14:12 | Dear Megha - You must see the restricted data as an opportunity. If we did not have this feature, these data simply would not be in the database. |